Best practices for ridesharing during COVID-19

October 9, 2020

Best practices for ridesharing during COVID-19

  • When possible, maintain 6 feet of distance from nearby passengers at transit stations, stops, and while riding the vehicle.
  • Consider traveling during less busy times so there will likely be fewer people.
  • Wear a mask or face cloth covering your nose and mouth at all times.
  • When possible increase ventilation by standing near an open window.
  • Take care not to touch your face.
  • Minimize contact with surfaces.
  • Keep talking to a minimum.
  • If wearing gloves, dispose of them after the ride and sanitize hands immediately.
  • After exiting the vehicle, use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol solution and disinfect your cell phone.
  • Thoroughly wash hands with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds when you arrive at your destination.
  • Wash clothes when you get home.

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Carbon Health's COVID Ready Program was designed to enable essential employers to train their employees about infection risk during the pandemic, and monitor the risk and exposure of their own employees.

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